Monday, April 23, 2007

Wedding Photos Arrive

Our professional photos are now posted until July.
We will be getting all of our negatives for free in one year along with all the "rejected" photos that are not in the website.

If you want to view will have to go here:
(copy and paste in new window)

We are building our scrapbook and hope that you enjoy all of them, we do!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Illness after Wedding

How funny to finally be stress free and I end up sick. It started with a sore throat Monday morning so I trudged through work even though I felt crappy. Then Tuesday, I couldn't even get out of bed until 1pm. I moved downstairs and slept off and on on the couch.

How can anyone go to their honeymoon straight after their wedding?! Does this always happen to the bride?

Today I feel a LOT better :)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Wedding Day 4.14.07

I have been asked if it was everything I ever wanted..
Please let me tell you how I felt on my big day.

I started the day by waking very early (6am) after a really suprising good night sleep. I got up and took a long bath: salt & sugar scrub, shave and oil. It was nice to be alone for just a few moments anyways. I roamed the halls after that. I saw Mary (Justin's mom), David, Traci, Beth and Alyssa. I shouldn't forget to tell you that my room was decorated with rose petals and lots and lots of tulle. There was a wonderful bow and ribbon attached to the door with the words from a famous song, "I'm getting married in the morning"!
I waited for everyone to get ready to leave and in two cars (Traci driving her big ole' truck) and David in mine we headed for the hall at around 8:45am.

Decorations started at 9am after some juices, coffee and breakfast tacos bought by my mom and dad. We set up the chairs at the ceremony site, broke out the tables and helped fluff up some of the tissue paper balls that I had for the tent.
Good thing that the previous event set up our lights for the tent.

At 10am Traci, Meredith and Cindy took me to get my hair rolled and at Noon we went to get my makeup airbrushed on. Thank you so much for doing this for me. At this moment I was really relaxed and had nothing to worry about.
We headed back to the hall.
Meredith stayed with me while everyone else had gone to get ready or nap and while everyone was away we put the table cards out and moved some things around. At 2pm, we had another rush of people come to help decorate. The tissue paper balls were hung, luminaries went to be set up and the catering company arrived along with all the chairs and more tables.

OK, so here is where the first glich came in. The linen people brought white table cloths with a horrible rose pattern on them. My fabulous catering people had this resolved in 1 hour...yeah!!

The tables were being set, the handkerchiefs were out and the gift/sign in table was up and runnning. We even set up the backdrops for photos by Ness.

I was then told to stay in the backroom at 4pm when Justin arrived at the hall. Whatever happened out there, I have no recollection about but I can tell you what was happening in the back room.

Brandi, my hairdresser, not only did my mother's and my sister's hair. But also did Nanny's, Alyssa's, Marley's and finally mine. My Best Man, ran to the market to save my day by getting me some beautiful flowers for my hair.

2nd Glitch: Wedding Cake and Flower disaster

After putting aside my ill feelings about those things, I was out the hall and down the aisle to look at my weeping Fiance to soon be my husband. All of our friends were there to witness in a sunny but chilly day.

We said our vows and our officiant, Bernie, was wonderful with everything including the readings. Nice long kiss from Justin and we were out the aisle and taking pictures with our party.

Since it was kind of chilly the hall was opened up and I guess the appetizer station was great because there were only cheeses left from the mushroom caps, bruschetta and asparagus wrapped in filo. :)

The rest of the night was wonderful. I remember chatting with lots of people and I remember Justin and my first and last dance. I hope everyone had a good time...we did.

We exited to glow sticks and David's Mercedes convertible and off to the Driskoll Hotel.

Whew! What a night. I am exhausted even two days later.

Vanessa's pictures:

Wedding Day from Heather

Sheila's Wedding - fom Vanessa

Wedding Day from Traci

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Bachelorette Day

March 17, 2007
St. Patrick's Day? Or Bachelorette Day?!!
A small group of gals joined me for dinner at Shady Grove and then a few green beers at Mother Eagans on 6th and Vichi in the warehouse district for all night dancing! We had a blast. I will have to finally figure out the photo uploads and post all pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Good thing that there is Magnolia all night afterwards :)
Very hungry...lots of dancing and lots of hungry women afterwards.

Bachelorette Party

Bridal Shower by Aunts

I don't want to forget about the brunch Bridal Shower that my Aunts (Sharon, Linda and Janice) threw for me that included the women of our family. It was at Los Patios in San Antonio on March 10, 2007. What a lovely day!!

What a cool day to be surrounded by those that you love.

Good food at a nice place and "almost" all the girls of our family. :'Sorry that everyone couldn't make it. Val! and Ness, we missed you :(
Check out all the cool pictures.

Bridal Shower by Aunts