Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Justin and I have been at the house Monday and Tuesday after a weekend of camping with our friends. :)
In those days we have been taking out the sheetrock in the Garage and the Big Shed, installing radiant barrier material and organizing our Little Shed that keeps our garden tools and lawn mower and soon we will be removing the fiberglass insulation in the Big Shed since it was not sealed and had an infestation of small to medium size lizards, spiders, red ants and who knows what else...

Today though, I have to tell you, I am totally exhausted and we are going back today to haul the debris that we have been piling up in the Garage along with some of the old wood that the seller left behind. The electricians will start work Thursday (God Willing) and take a week to update our electrical system and new braker box. It is then set for the HVAC people to come in and finish replacing the duct work and other items that they are responsible for.

In the meantime, we have our designer finishing our drawings for the bathroom addition. We already have the outside drawings and elevations and all we need is the inside cabinet and electrical drawings (approx. $800 for everything), then we have to get an engineer to look at the foundation (approx. $450), get a bid from a contractor ($??) and go to our bank to get financing.

Whew...home ownership is WORK. I will keep you updated and try to take some pictures today. :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The House is OURS!

It is finally done. We closed on May 15th!!!